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2022 Rezerv retrospective report: A look back at the year's top fitness trends

The year 2022 was a pivotal one for the fitness industry. With the ongoing pandemic, people turned to fitness as a way to stay healthy and maintain a sense of normalcy.

Source: Pexels

The year 2022 was a monumental one for the fitness industry. With the ongoing pandemic still impacting daily life, many people turned to fitness as a way to stay healthy and maintain a sense of normalcy.

As a result, the industry saw a surge in interest and popularity. In this retrospective report, we take a look back at the year's top fitness trends that shaped the industry.

Uncovering the top trends of 2022 through Rezeve reservation data

At Rezeve, we dove deep into our reservation data from the entirety of 2022 to gain insight into the evolving fitness journey of our clients.

We are thrilled to report a significant spike in both fitness reservations and satisfaction levels. Specifically, our clients' fitness facility and gym reservation numbers soared by 95% compared to the previous year, and their customer satisfaction rose by an impressive 80%!

Through this in-depth analysis, we uncover several key trends that have shaped the fitness industry this year. Let's take a closer look at what our reservation data has uncovered.

2022's Fastest Growing Fitness Trends

Fastest Growing

  • Fitness class: Barre
  • Fitness class: Pilates
  • Fitness studios: Lab Studios Singapore
  • Emerging market: Malaysia

Most Popular

  • Time to workout: 6:00 PM
  • Day to workout: Wednesday
  • Month to workout: January
  • Class to enroll: Yoga
  • Type of class: Group class
  • Fitness related word: Mindfulness

Fitness is an ever-evolving industry, and 2022 is no exception. The year has brought new and exciting trends in the world of fitness, with some classes and studios seeing a significant increase in popularity. Barre and Pilates classes are among the most popular trends of 2022, with bookings for these classes seeing a dramatic increase.

Barre classes are a combination of ballet, Pilates and functional training. It is a low-impact, full-body workout that focuses on small, controlled movements to tone and sculpt the muscles. These classes have been gaining popularity rapidly and have become the fastest-growing workout of 2022 with a 382% increase in bookings from January to October.

Pilates, on the other hand, is a form of low-impact exercise that emphasises the use of the core muscles. It aims to improve flexibility, strength, balance, and posture. Pilates classes have also seen a significant increase in popularity in 2022, with reservations rising by 241%. These classes are suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels, making them accessible to everyone.

Lab Studios in Singapore has earned the recognition for being at the forefront of the fastest-growing fitness studio. Our data indicates that the studio has experienced a substantial growth in reservations, boasting an impressive 800% increase from the previous year.

This can be attributed to a number of factors, including their partnership with Rezeve which has allowed them to expand their reach and attract more customers by using our fitness software.

Are you ready to join the ranks of successful fitness businesses like Lab Studios? Take your fitness business to the next level and elevate your reservation numbers with Rezeve fitness software!

Hit us up for a demo today and enjoy a 2-month free trial!

Additionally, the fitness market in Malaysia is also on the rise. The country has seen an increase in the number of fitness centres, gyms, and studios, with new and exciting trends emerging in the region.

With the increasing awareness of the importance of physical fitness and health, people in Malaysia are increasingly looking for new and innovative ways to stay fit and healthy.

2022's Most Popular Fitness Trends

Our analysis also revealed some astonishing insights into some of the most popular fitness trends of the year. Let's dive deeper and explore these findings!

Source: Pexels

Working out after a long day at work is the best way to unwind!

Working out after a long day at work is the best way to unwind and de-stress. Our data confirms that the most popular time to do so is at 6:00 PM on Wednesday.

Classes that are 60 minutes in length are most likely to book out, and are the most-popular class length, as people are looking for shorter and more intense workouts that they can fit into their busy schedules.

It's not just the time, but also the class duration that plays a significant role in determining popularity. It seems that people are looking for shorter and more intense workouts that they can fit into their busy schedules, after a long day at work.

It's not just limited to one specific type of class, but is seen across all types of classes offered, from cardio, strength training, to yoga, and more. The trend of shorter, more intense workouts is becoming increasingly important for fitness businesses to offer a variety of class options to meet the needs of their diverse clientele.

Source: Unsplash

January’s gym rush

January is known as the month of new beginnings and resolutions, and our data confirms that it is also the most popular month for people to start their fitness journey.

According to our data, January sees a significant increase in gym memberships and class bookings, with a peak in activity during the first week of the month.

This is not surprising, as many people use the start of the new year as an opportunity to set new fitness goals and make positive changes in their lives. Additionally, the holiday season usually results in a decrease in physical activity and an increase in indulgent eating, which may also contribute to the January gym rush.

Many gyms and fitness centres offer special promotions and deals to attract new members during this time, recognizing the high demand for fitness services.

Our data shows that the most popular classes during this time are those that focus on weight loss and body toning, such as circuit training and cardio classes.

We also see an increase in the number of people signing up for personal training sessions, as they look for more individualised and focused guidance in achieving their fitness goals.

Source: Unsplash

Fitness-related word of the year: mindfulness!

Mindfulness has been the buzzword in the fitness industry in 2022. And we've seen a significant increase in the number of classes and programs that focus on mindfulness, as well as a growing interest in mindfulness-based practices such as yoga, meditation, and breathing exercises.

According to our data, mindfulness-based classes and programs have seen a significant increase in enrollment, with many people reporting that they find these practices to be an effective way to reduce stress and anxiety. 

People are increasingly using mindfulness practices as a way to improve their overall well-being and find a sense of balance in their lives.

The trend is not just limited to the fitness industry, but it's also seen in the workplaces, where mindfulness practices are being increasingly implemented to help employees cope with stress and improve their productivity.

Explore the top 4 mental wellness classes in Singapore that can enhance your mindfulness

Source: Pexels

Yoga on the rise: 2022 sees increased demand for yoga classes and programs focusing on mental health and wellness

The number of people practising yoga has continued to rise in 2022, making it the most popular fitness workout of the year. The trend can be attributed to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, which has caused stress and anxiety for many people. 

As a result, the demand for programs and classes that focus on mental health and wellness, such as yoga, has increased. Yoga's ability to reduce stress and anxiety, improve physical fitness and mental well-being has made it a preferred workout among people.

The trend is consistent with the previous year, which indicates that the popularity of yoga has not decreased but has instead continued to grow.

Did you know that bonding with your child can also be done through the practice of Yoga?

Source: Pexels

The year of friendship & community: a rise in group class enrollment

The year 2022 was marked by the ongoing pandemic and the isolation it brought. However, it was also the year of community and connectedness as more and more people turned to group classes as a way to stay active and connect with others.

The rise in group class enrollment was a defining trend of the year, as people sought the support and motivation of their peers to achieve their fitness goals.

From yoga and pilates to strength training and cardio, group classes became a popular way for people to stay active while also feeling a sense of community. The atmosphere of a group class, where everyone is working towards a common goal, provided a sense of camaraderie that many people found comforting during a difficult year.

In addition, group classes also offered a sense of accountability and motivation. Having a set time and place to workout, as well as a group of people counting on you to show up, helped many people stick to their fitness routines.

Did you know that working out with others in a fitness class can help your mental health?

Rezeve’s Most Popular Workouts in 2022: 

  1. Yoga
  2. Barre
  3. Pilates
  4. Spinning
  5. HIIT
  6. Bouldering
  7. TRX
  8. Running
  9. MMA & Muay Thai
  10. CrossFit

The year 2022 saw a rise in the popularity of various workouts, as people sought new ways to stay active during the ongoing pandemic. From yoga and Pilates to strength training and cardio, there was something for everyone.

Take a closer look at the most popular workouts of 2022, based on the rank of the most popular workout in the year.

1. Yoga: The ancient practice of yoga saw a resurgence in popularity in 2022 as people sought to improve their physical and mental well-being. Yoga classes offered a sense of calm and balance, making them a popular choice for those looking to de-stress.

2. Barre: The low-impact, ballet-inspired workout was a hit with those looking to tone and sculpt their bodies. Barre classes were a popular choice for those looking to improve their balance and flexibility.

Curious about the second most popular workout trend of the year? Give it a try and see for yourself!

3. Pilates: The focus on core strength and body control made Pilates a popular choice for those looking to improve their posture and overall fitness.

Take a look at these benefits of incorporating pilates into your fitness routine

4. Spinning: The high-energy, cardio-based workout was a hit with those looking to get their heart rate up and burn calories.

5. HIIT: High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) was a popular choice for those looking to get in a full-body workout in a short amount of time.

Did you know that astronauts also rely on High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) to maintain their physical fitness while in space?

6. Bouldering: The climbing-based workout was a hit with those looking for a unique and challenging workout. Read our post on how to get started here.

7. TRX: The suspension-based workout was a popular choice for those looking to build strength and improve their balance.

8. Running: The traditional form of cardio was still popular among those looking to get outside and get moving.

9. MMA & Muay Thai: The martial arts-based workouts were a hit with those looking for a challenging and intense workout.

10. CrossFit: The high-intensity workout combining weightlifting, cardio, and gymnastics was still popular among those looking to get in shape.

Discover other popular workouts as well as the latest, most innovative workout trends happening in Singapore.


The year 2022 was a pivotal one for the fitness industry. With the ongoing pandemic, people turned to fitness as a way to stay healthy and maintain a sense of normalcy. 

As a result, the industry saw a surge in interest and popularity, with yoga, barre, pilates and group class becoming the top trends of the year. We’re looking forward to seeing how these trends will continue to shape the industry in the coming years, are you?

Lastly, more and more gyms and fitness studios are using a fitness software to automate repetitive tasks and save costs. It will make a studio to stand out in the competitive fitness industry. Hit us up a demo and enjoy our 2-month free trial!

Do you want to see more content like this? Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for more wellness advice, fitness trends, workout inspiration, and even best health and fitness deals exclusive to our followers. Don’t miss out!

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