
What are Massage Guns? And 5 best muscle-relaxing Massage Guns on the market

Massage guns are the new "it" gadget in the world of muscle relaxation for its ability to provide targeted relief to sore and tense muscles.

Source: Hyperice

Are you tired of feeling stressed, sore, and achy after a long day at work or an intense workout? If so, you're not alone! Many people struggle with muscle tension and discomfort, which can impact their mood, productivity, and overall well-being.

But what if we told you that there's a solution that doesn't involve booking expensive massages or popping painkillers? Enter: massage guns.

Now, we know what you're thinking. "Massage guns? That sounds like something out of a sci-fi movie!" But trust us, these handheld devices are the real deal when it comes to relieving muscle tension and promoting relaxation.

In this article, we're going to give you the lowdown on massage guns - what they are, how they work, and why they're worth the investment. Plus, we'll be sharing our top picks for the 5 best muscle-relaxing massage guns on the market, so you can find the perfect one for your needs.

So, grab a comfy seat, get ready to learn, and let's dive into the wonderful world of massage guns!

Source: Therabody

What are Massage Guns?

Massage guns are the new "it" gadget in the world of muscle relaxation for its ability to provide targeted relief to sore and tense muscles. These handheld devices use percussive therapy to deliver high-frequency vibrations to the muscles, helping to increase blood flow and reduce pain and stiffness. 

Massage guns come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and intensities, making it easy to find one that works for your needs. They are a popular tool for athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and anyone looking for a quick and convenient way to relax and alleviate muscle pain.

In the next section, we'll dive deeper into the benefits of massage guns and explore some of the best models on the market. But first, let's take a closer look at why massage guns have become such a popular choice for muscle relaxation.

How Massage Guns Work

So, how do massage guns actually work? In simple terms, massage guns use percussive therapy to deliver rapid pulses to your muscles. These pulses help to increase blood flow, reduce muscle stiffness, and promote relaxation.

The massage gun has a motor that drives a piston to produce rapid, short pulses. The pulse frequency can be adjusted to suit your needs, with some massage guns offering up to 60 beats per second. 

The pulses are delivered through different types of massage heads, each designed to target specific areas of the body or provide different types of massage. For example, a ball head is great for large muscle groups, while a fork head is ideal for targeting smaller, more sensitive areas.

When you use a massage gun, you simply place the head of the gun against the area of your body you want to massage, and adjust the intensity level to your desired setting. The rapid pulses help to break up knots and adhesions in your muscles, and increase blood flow to the area. This can help to relieve pain, reduce stiffness, and promote relaxation.

When using a massage gun, it's important to start with the lowest setting and gradually increase the intensity as your muscles begin to loosen up. You should also avoid using a massage gun on bones, joints, or areas of the body that are sensitive or painful.

Source: Hyperice

Benefits of using Massage Guns

Massage guns offer a wide range of benefits for both physical and mental health. Here are some of the key benefits of using massage guns:

1. Muscle relaxation

Do you suffer from muscle soreness, stiffness, or pain? Massage guns are perfect for relaxing tight muscles and reducing discomfort. The high-frequency vibrations penetrate deep into the muscle tissue, providing a therapeutic massage experience that can improve flexibility and mobility. Say goodbye to knots and tightness in your muscles!

2. Improved circulation

Do you want to speed up your body's natural healing process? Massage guns can help by stimulating blood flow to the muscles, which reduces inflammation and promotes faster recovery. This can be particularly helpful for athletes who need to bounce back quickly after intense workouts.

3. Stress reduction 

Are you feeling stressed, anxious, or overwhelmed? Massage guns can help to reduce stress and anxiety by promoting relaxation and releasing tension in the muscles. This can lead to improved sleep, better mood, and a general sense of well-being. Relaxation is just a massage gun away!

And if you're looking for even more ways to improve your mental health, working out in a gym can also be incredibly beneficial. Check out our article on ‘Mental health benefits of exercise in a physical fitness class’.

4. Increased range of motion

Do you want to improve your flexibility and reduce muscle tightness? Regular use of massage guns can help to increase range of motion by improving flexibility and reducing muscle tension. This can be particularly helpful for people who suffer from conditions such as arthritis or other joint problems.

5. Cost-effective

Do you want to save money without sacrificing your physical health? Massage guns offer a cost-effective alternative to traditional massage therapy. While a single massage session can be expensive, a massage gun can be used at home as often as needed, making it a more affordable option in the long run.

Top 5 Best Muscle-Relaxing Massage Guns

Now that you know about the benefits of massage guns, you're probably wondering which one to choose. Don't worry, we've got you covered! Here are the 5 best muscle-relaxing massage guns available on the market today:

Source: Hyperice

1. Hyperice Hypervolt 2

If you're in the market for a massage gun, you've probably heard of Hyperice. The company is a big player in the world of recovery and has some serious star power behind it, with tennis champ Naomi Osaka as an ambassador and partnerships with the NBA.

The Hypervolt 2, the newest version (the original Hypervolt is discontinued), has a slightly higher speed compared to the original version. The device has a more traditional shape with a comfortable oval handle and a grippy surface, making it a great option for people with smaller hands. It also comes with five attachments, one more than some of its competitors, making it versatile for different areas of the body.

One downside of the Hypervolt 2 is that you can't cycle up and down through the speeds like you can with some other massage guns. Additionally, the device is rather loud, which might be an issue for some users. However, it does have a battery life indicator light on the bottom of its handle that broadcasts the battery life in green, yellow, or red, which is a nice touch.

The Hypervolt 2 is Bluetooth enabled and connects to the straightforward Hyperice app, which allows you to follow along with guided programs tailored to a specific sport, activity, or body part. This feature can be useful for those who are looking for a more tailored massage experience.

Overall, the Hypervolt 2 is a good massage gun for people who are looking for a traditional-shaped device with a comfortable grip and a variety of attachments. It might not be the quietest massage gun on the market, but it's definitely worth considering if you're looking for a powerful massage experience.

Price: $299 USD

Size: 7.5 x 2.5 x 9.5 in

Weight: 1.8 lbs

Source: Mebak

2. Mebak 3

Are you in the market for a massage gun that won't wake up the neighbours? Look no further than the Mebak 3! This powerful device offers a quieter experience than comparable models, making it a solid choice for people who don't want to disturb the peace.

One of the standout features of the Mebak 3 is its touchscreen display, which is easy to use and responsive to even the lightest touch. While the device may feel less powerful than other massage guns, that's not necessarily a bad thing.

The Mebak 3 still offers five different speeds (ranging from 640 ppm to 3,200 ppm) and a 12 mm amplitude, providing a solid massage experience.

In terms of attachments, the Mebak 3 offers a wide range to choose from. Plus, its rubberized handle and widely spaced vertical ribs make it easy to grip and hold on to during use.

As a safety precaution, the Mebak 3 shuts off automatically after 10 minutes of use. But don't worry, you can restart it immediately if you need to. We also tested the device for 15 minutes straight at various speeds and experienced no overheating.

While the Mebak 3 may not deliver the strongest massage overall (the Hypervolt 2 is a better option for that), it's a great choice for someone seeking a lower-key massage gun for semi-regular use. So, if you're in need of a quieter and easy-to-use massage gun, the Mebak 3 is definitely worth considering!

Price: $129 USD

Size: 9.8 x 2.6 x 6.9 inches

Weight: 1.98 Pounds

Source: Theragun Prime

3. Theragun Prime

One of the standout features of the Theragun Prime is its triangular handle, which allows for multiple grip options to ease ergonomic strain. We loved the ability to switch up our grip and apply more pressure when needed. The device has five speeds (ranging from 1,750 ppm to 2,400 ppm) and the highest amplitude of all our picks at 16 mm.

LED lights on the display show both the speed and battery level, and the control button is conveniently located on the handle and accessible with a thumb. We also appreciated the ability to cycle up and down through all five speeds, a feature that none of our other picks have.

The Theragun Prime comes with four attachments, including a standard ball, cone, dampener, and thumb, all made of smooth, closed-cell foam that resists moisture absorption and is easy to clean. They fit securely and provide a bit of give, unlike plastic attachments.

If you're someone who likes guidance during your massage, you'll appreciate that the Theragun Prime is Bluetooth enabled, allowing you to pair it with your phone and follow guided programs via the companion app. It's the ultimate massage experience!

While the Theragun Prime is a bit pricier than some other massage guns on the market, it's worth the investment for its powerful and well-designed features. If you're looking for a more advanced version, the Theragun Elite offers one more attachment and an OLED display.

Price: $299 USD

Size: 8.9 in x 6.3 in x 2.7 in

Weight: 2.2 lbs

Source: Opove

4. Opove M3 Pro

With four speeds ranging from 2,000 ppm to 3,300 ppm (the highest top speed of our picks) and a 15 mm amplitude, the Opove M3 Pro delivers a deep and satisfying massage that will leave you feeling relaxed and rejuvenated.

One of the best features of the M3 Pro is its automatic setting, which cycles up and down through seven different speeds in quick succession. This adds some variety to your massage and is particularly effective for targeting specific tight spots.

The M3 Pro comes with five different attachments to choose from, including a cushion made of soft, rubbery material. The attachments fit tightly and provide a range of options for different areas of the body.

While the M3 Pro is a bit noisier than some of our other picks, it's not too loud to be a distraction. And with a promised battery life of four hours, you can use it for weeks on a single charge.

Overall, the Opove M3 Pro is a solid choice for anyone who wants a powerful massage gun without breaking the bank.

Price: $129 USD

Size: 15 x 9 x 3 inches

Weight: 2.2 Pounds

Source: Homedics

5. Homedics Active Fit 

While the HoMedics Active Fit may not offer as many speeds or attachments as some of our other picks, it still delivers a pleasant massage experience. Its 7 mm amplitude and three speeds (topping out at 3,000 ppm) make it a less-intense option, perfect for anyone who wants to relax without feeling like they're getting punched in the muscles.

The HoMedics Active Fit has a thumb-oriented power button that controls the speed adjustment, with LED lights indicating the speed. The device is relatively quiet, allowing you to enjoy a TV show or some soothing music while you massage away your stress.

In terms of attachments, the HoMedics Active Fit comes with four options, securely fitting onto the device. Its handle is slim and comfortable to grip, making it easy to use for extended periods of time. And with an automatic shutoff after 15 minutes of use, you can rest assured that you won't accidentally overwork your muscles.

Price: $119 USD

Size: 7.09 x 2.56 x 8.19 Inches

Weight: 1.82 lb

How to Choose the Right Massage Gun for You

So, you've decided to invest in a massage gun - congrats! But with so many options out there, how do you choose the right one for you? Here are some things to consider before making a purchase:

Intensity: Do you want a gentle massage or a deep-tissue massage? Different massage guns have different intensity levels, so make sure to choose one that will provide the right amount of pressure for your needs.

Attachments: Are you looking to target specific areas of your body? Look for a massage gun with a variety of attachments to ensure you can reach all of your muscles. The more attachments, the merrier!

Battery Life: Do you plan on using your massage gun for long periods of time? Consider a massage gun with a long battery life to avoid interruptions during your massage.

Noise Level: Do you want a massage gun that can be used in public or around others? Opt for a massage gun with a quiet motor, unless you enjoy the attention of others staring at you.

Price: How much are you willing to spend on a massage gun? Set a budget and stick to it to avoid breaking the bank. But remember, investing in your physical and mental health is priceless.

Brand and Review: Don't forget to read reviews and choose a reputable brand with a good track record of quality and customer service. You don't want to end up with a dud massage gun that falls apart after a few uses.

And if you're interested in more product reviews, be sure to check out our blog page where we share our insights and opinions on various products, in addition to providing business knowledge resources and blog articles. You don't want to miss out!


You did it! You've reached the end of our guide to massage guns. We hope you've found it informative and entertaining. Now, it's time to take action and choose the perfect massage gun for you!

Whether you're a fitness enthusiast, a busy professional, or just someone in need of some muscle relaxation, a massage gun can be a game-changer. It's like having a personal masseuse at your fingertips (literally!).

When selecting a massage gun, consider the intensity level, attachments, battery life, noise level, price, and brand. With so many options available, there's a massage gun out there that's perfect for you.

So, say goodbye to sore muscles and hello to the wonderful world of massage guns! Your muscles (and your bank account) will thank you. Get ready to feel like a million bucks without breaking the bank!


Friska 🐨

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